Thursday 23 October 2008


Hmm... What to be for the coming Halloween? Initially I wanted to cosplay as Kuchiki Rukia from Bleach, but scrapped the idea when it became too complicated to procure a black shikakusho here in Glasgow. There's also the matter of constructing Sode no Shirayuki so... the idea was scrapped. Then I thought about cosplaying as Tenten from Naruto as her outfit seems simple enough. Cheongsam top, hair in two buns (I'll look like a moron but for art's sake...) and a large scroll. However, most people won't even know who I am dressing up as (I don't care if they think I'm trying to be Chun-Li from Street Fighter, as long as they don't think all Chinese dress like this), I don't want to look too China-ish and there's also the matter of racialism in Glasgow. Heard that some areas are not very 'welcoming' to China Chinese, and dressing like that is liable to get me beaten up. Sigh. Guess cosplay is out of the picture then. Maybe I'll go as Grim Reaper (black robes, a white mask and a long scythe). Or something that would be good for a laugh. Any suggestions? And no, Mustaqim, I'm not going as a witch. Too bad. LOL.

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