Sunday 15 February 2009

We normally react with horror and shock when we're presented with news of young people dying before they should.

Then why don't we react the same way when it's old people who're involved?

They're not any less wanted, are they?


christina said...

It's quite sad, right? Ageism so rampant and blatant. But I guess it's also the notion that when young people die, it's a life cut short,when there's so much promise to it, kind of like a dream that could have come true, but didn't? Whereas when older people pass on, it's their time to move on, as they have led 'long' and 'fulfilling' lives, as they have had the time to do what they wanted to on earth. If that even makes sense. LOL.

christina said...

and sorry for the spamz. =)

christina said...

hey, i'll email you once i've booked the flight tomorrow. =)