Friday 15 May 2009


It's people like Yieng and Yi Lyn whose outlook in life I strive to reflect.
Maturity, a sense of optimism, lack of blame and a balanced EQ.
Another new year's resolution to add to next year's list!

But I still wanna complain and complain bout the injustice of the world. LOLZ. Bertaubatlah, bertaubatlah..


yieng said...

hahaha.. fiona. you just made my day by saying i'm mature la (though i dont think so). i think you are the first person who ever to say that. haha. thanks a lot, a lot. :))

anyway, let's berganding bahu and march towards the end of the exam (FUH, so gaya, haha).

another week to go before we really can fly off to lala land and you can welcome your family to a trip so wonderful, you will forget about this. haha. :))

weithian said...

I second you fiona :) Think on the positive side!

Yieng is indeed mature in ways :P and I sometimes do reflect on it too!

Yieng, don't go cloud 9 :D:D

*hugs* to both of u:)

all the best in the last two papers.

your 24-year old mother said... touching, u moved me to 'crocodile' tears:p complaining is a coping mechanism, but too much of it can lead to resentment. when i was younger, i worried and complained a lot. as i grow older, i started to have a different outlook in many things around me. you just have to believe more in yourself (and your capabilities) and treat failure as a humbling and learning experience. only then will success come naturally.