Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Confessions Of A Silent Stalker

The recent brouhaha surrounding K opened my eyes to the fact that stalking people online is a common thing to do. The only difference is the extent to which they actually stalk other people, and how much damage do they actually intend to do to the person they stalk.

Like everyone else, I also stalk people. I check their Friendster everytime I check my Friendster, I search for their blogs existence, I read their blogs and sometimes I post anonymous comments (of course, nothing of an inflammatory nature, rather they're comments which are relevant to the topics of the blogs and completely non-identifiable). I prefer Friendster in this sense as compared to Facebook since Facebook does not permit one to check other's profiles unless they are friends, and it's pretty suspicious if suddenly I request to befriend the people I stalk right? Especially since they probably have no idea at all who I am.

The people I stalk normally are related to only one person. His family, his immediate circle of friends (that I could discern), girls who used to comment excessively on his Friendster, his (ex)girlfriend, girls who like him, girls whom he like... Well, you get the idea. And it's freaky how much info I could actually get... Info on their family (how many siblings etc), on their choice of words, on interests, etc etc.

My favourite person to stalk would be someone who's very expressive online, who changes her profile to reflect her mood, who blogs excessively on her life, who posts up lots and lots of pictures of herself etc. I've stalked Number 1, Number 2 and Number 3 to varying degrees, and I can actually say that I know them - their mannerisms etc such that it would actually be interesting to meet them really - face to face. Surely it would at least be a surreal experience right?

But of course, I do not hack their accounts or disturb them in any way. Stalking to me is basically a measure of self defense. It helps me prepare for the eventuality that I'm expecting, and not to show any expression when that happens. It keeps me updated on the going-ons in his life, that he doesn't share with me anymore. And most of all... It helps me to destress. Don't ask me why, but it actually does. And probably helps me waste more time online. LOL.

On the ethicality of stalking people online, well, I'm not doing any harm nor am I impinging on their privacy - to quote Gobi, it's all online anyway. It's only a matter of being able to find all the relevant info. Now, if only I can apply my stalking skills to helping me look for journals online. Heh.

And why I stalk would be pretty obvious. Only one thing which confuses me on my persistence on stalking to this very day. I'm quite sure I'm over him already, but yet I still continue stalking. Ah well, it must be a habit already.. So, remember... most stalkers don't stop stalking. Heh.

1 comment:

christina said...

Hmm... good question no? But I think because you enjoy doing it and it has become a habit...