Hmm... Am tagged again... This time by my sis.. And since I'm such a nice sis, I'll complete this tag (this time around). Seems a pretty simple tag too. 8 random facts about myself eh?
1. I also do not like jeans (coz mine are too tight for me). LOLZ. The only time I wear them is when I'm delusionally convinced that I look good in them, otherwise, it's not my preferred form of clothing. It's slacks for me all the way! (That's why I'm related to Chris, our similarities are astounding.)
2. I am a stalker. Enough said.
3. I like Neji (Nejiten, Nejisaku, or just plain Team Gai love) and Rukia (Ichiruki, Byakuruki, Kairuki). It'd be fun to see a good Naruto Bleach crossover. Or even a Naruto/Bleach and Harry Potter crossover.
4. I am the messiest person on earth. There's always a pile of clothes on my bed, and my table becomes messy very very fast. The only time I'm neat is before cell group, or when I'm inspired to start studying (once I start studying, however, I'm messy again).
5. I like cooking. And having my own way when I cook. And I'd like to say that I'm quite a good cook. :)
6. I can only study if I wake up early enough. Once a certain time has passed, nothing I read will go in, and the only thing I can do is sleep. That's why I sleep ridiculously early (i.e. 8pm) and wake up early (i.e. 2 am) when I need to study for exams.
7. I like hot drinks. They help me concentrate when I'm studying. That's why I have lots of instant coffee, black tea, fruit tea, herbal tea and hot chocolate in my room. All I need is my own electric kettle and I'm set.
8. I'm antisocial most of the time. But with people I'm close to I can be more pleasant (was going to use the word affectionate, but that makes me sound like a cat, lol). And unlike my sister Chris, I do not go around hugging anything that moves. LOLZ.
Anyone who wants to do this tag. I am not pushy. Really.
Monday, 29 September 2008
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Trepidations Of A New Semester
Yup, a new semester has befallen us (and I still have not completed the Italy trip commentary thingy yet).
Am actually quite nervous (who me? nervous?).
New people, new subjects, what's there not to be nervous about?
And 5 more things to aim for.... I should at least aim for one only right? Then disappointment won't be so bad?
I hate asking rhetoric questions of which there are no answers to.
Am actually quite nervous (who me? nervous?).
New people, new subjects, what's there not to be nervous about?
And 5 more things to aim for.... I should at least aim for one only right? Then disappointment won't be so bad?
I hate asking rhetoric questions of which there are no answers to.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Me time
I'm not apologetic for being me.
My idea of a perfect evening?
Listening to these songs:
Naruto Shippuuden OST Track 13 (Loneliness), Track 19 (Despair) and Track 22 (Tragic)
Reading Naruto and Bleach fanfiction.
Munching on chocolate chip cookies from Aldi.
Watching episodes of Shippuuden and Bleach.
Now, that's the life. :)
Sometimes I think I'm weird though. Maybe I need to work more on being a social person? But I'm happy being me...
My idea of a perfect evening?
Listening to these songs:
Naruto Shippuuden OST Track 13 (Loneliness), Track 19 (Despair) and Track 22 (Tragic)
Reading Naruto and Bleach fanfiction.
Munching on chocolate chip cookies from Aldi.
Watching episodes of Shippuuden and Bleach.
Now, that's the life. :)
Sometimes I think I'm weird though. Maybe I need to work more on being a social person? But I'm happy being me...
Neji Fanfic Recs
Browsing through, I came across some nice Neji pieces.
Yup, I like (loooooooooove) Neji. A lot. Heh.
Anyway, here they are:
Twenty Matters Of Pride To Hyuuga Neji
Hyuugas are known for their pride, but Neji isn't quite like the rest in what he's proud of.
It's well written, it's believable, it's as if the author knows Neji like the back of his/her hand. Although some facts may be off though to new info from the manga (this was written a year or so ago), it still can pass off as authentic. All characters are IC, and the depiction of Guy as the father figure for his team, it is reminiscent of all those episodes with the Guy-Lee theme, only now it applies to Neji as well.
Singing Sirens
Oneshot, NejiTen] [AU] Everything about this says that it’s not going to work. But Tenten has always specialised in disasters, and nothing in their world is a coincidence.
You can see that NejiTen is one of my favourite pairings in Narutoverse. This is a sweet story - funny, heartwarming with a tinge of romance.
Rock Idols
A storm is brewing and the natives are restless. Lee is mistaken for a God, Tenten can't catch a break and Neji... well it's amazing he doesn't have any gray hairs yet. A comedy with a bit of NejiTen on the side.
Not so much an introspective Neji piece, rather it is one filled with Team Gai loooooove. Funny, cute, cool. Not to be missed.
Music Boy And China Girl
[NejiTen] [AU] It's their little ritual, so they sit under the sun and listen. [Why do you have all this weird music? ...Hn.]
Very very AU. Yet I like. The flow, the characterizations... They're all mighty neat. :)
Coda In D Minor
She doesn't look like her father. /And children can't recognize grief./ /future!fic, sort of Team Gai/
Not really Neji centric (no mention of Neji at all except at the end) yet, the hint of Neji prevails throughout the fic. Neat enough to keep you guessing, sadly poignant and very well written.
The Konoha Love Story
Once upon a time... the village fell in love with a lie.
It's angsty, it's love, it's death. It hurts yet it keeps you reading and wanting for more.
The Gates Of Konoha
The return home from a mission is never redundant for Team Gai.
A friendship fic. Exudes the warmth and cheeriness that is common to team Gai.
Yup, I like (loooooooooove) Neji. A lot. Heh.
Anyway, here they are:
Twenty Matters Of Pride To Hyuuga Neji
Hyuugas are known for their pride, but Neji isn't quite like the rest in what he's proud of.
It's well written, it's believable, it's as if the author knows Neji like the back of his/her hand. Although some facts may be off though to new info from the manga (this was written a year or so ago), it still can pass off as authentic. All characters are IC, and the depiction of Guy as the father figure for his team, it is reminiscent of all those episodes with the Guy-Lee theme, only now it applies to Neji as well.
Singing Sirens
Oneshot, NejiTen] [AU] Everything about this says that it’s not going to work. But Tenten has always specialised in disasters, and nothing in their world is a coincidence.
You can see that NejiTen is one of my favourite pairings in Narutoverse. This is a sweet story - funny, heartwarming with a tinge of romance.
Rock Idols
A storm is brewing and the natives are restless. Lee is mistaken for a God, Tenten can't catch a break and Neji... well it's amazing he doesn't have any gray hairs yet. A comedy with a bit of NejiTen on the side.
Not so much an introspective Neji piece, rather it is one filled with Team Gai loooooove. Funny, cute, cool. Not to be missed.
Music Boy And China Girl
[NejiTen] [AU] It's their little ritual, so they sit under the sun and listen. [Why do you have all this weird music? ...Hn.]
Very very AU. Yet I like. The flow, the characterizations... They're all mighty neat. :)
Coda In D Minor
She doesn't look like her father. /And children can't recognize grief./ /future!fic, sort of Team Gai/
Not really Neji centric (no mention of Neji at all except at the end) yet, the hint of Neji prevails throughout the fic. Neat enough to keep you guessing, sadly poignant and very well written.
The Konoha Love Story
Once upon a time... the village fell in love with a lie.
It's angsty, it's love, it's death. It hurts yet it keeps you reading and wanting for more.
The Gates Of Konoha
The return home from a mission is never redundant for Team Gai.
A friendship fic. Exudes the warmth and cheeriness that is common to team Gai.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Misunderstandings And The Importance Of Being Understood.
Yesterday CS asked me, "Do you like me?" While gesturing to himself.
Intelligently I replied, "Huh?" Perasan betul this guy.
And he repeated his question, "Do you like me?"
"... HUH?"
"I said, do you like mee... as in noodles?"
Sweat. Dude, next time if you are referring to food, please la state that in a more obvious manner. How la do I know that you are not talking of yourself? Since we weren't talking about food or noodles or anything remotely similar to that previously.
Imagine my horror at trying to answer such a question in a diplomatic enough manner.
When I finally regained enough composure to tell him I was trying to tell him no in a polite way, he looked slightly miffed that I do not even like him as a friend. Oops. But sorry, even friendship (to me) takes time to develop.
And WC was busy laughing at the expressions on my face.
On a separate note, I passed Sem 6.
Thank you God.
Intelligently I replied, "Huh?" Perasan betul this guy.
And he repeated his question, "Do you like me?"
"... HUH?"
"I said, do you like mee... as in noodles?"
Sweat. Dude, next time if you are referring to food, please la state that in a more obvious manner. How la do I know that you are not talking of yourself? Since we weren't talking about food or noodles or anything remotely similar to that previously.
Imagine my horror at trying to answer such a question in a diplomatic enough manner.
When I finally regained enough composure to tell him I was trying to tell him no in a polite way, he looked slightly miffed that I do not even like him as a friend. Oops. But sorry, even friendship (to me) takes time to develop.
And WC was busy laughing at the expressions on my face.
On a separate note, I passed Sem 6.
Thank you God.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
The Beauty of Friendship... And Unity
Was browsing through a total stranger's blog when I came across this entry and was touched by it. It's a beautiful post, made even more poignant by the innocence of the two friends at that time. How I wish that we are more like that today, blurring the lines of race and religion to make a better Malaysia. But nooo... we live and abide by our stereotyping and prejudiced mind though we've learnt better to mask it. Sigh. Poor Malaysia. Somehow without unity, I think you're doomed.
I'm too lazy to rewrite all bout our Italy trip - heh, and I see that Lydia has done a very good job of recapping it already so no point for me to rehash it again, lolz. Read bout Lydia's recap here.
Sleeping on the floor of the Bergamo airport! Imagine our horror when our flight landed and there was no where for us to sit/sleep that we had to sleep on the floor. Hygiene be damned, we're too tired to care! After that NO MORE! I promised myself that die die also every night must at least have a bed/chair to sleep in!

Instead I'll just pinpoint the memorable moments in our trip:
Florence where I made 2 new friends! Scarlet (a student from China travelling on her lonesome) and Pierro (the old man in the pic). We've to thank Pierro for amazing stories about Florence, Pinocchio, the castle where Galileo used to live when he was studying stars, Michaelangelo's architectures, folk songs et al! He's such a sprightly dear old man! :D (And it's obvious from the pic that he likes me very much - only on retrospect did I realize that how dangerous that could be - oh well, it seems that I'm an "uncle killer" lol).
Hehe. A cute fen-fen. Of course there're a lot of other stuff to marvel about in Italy, but like I said to write it all out is a bit tedious. :P (I'm pretty sure I'll kick myself when I can't remember where I've been in a year or two!) :P.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Am back from La Bella Italia. Quite a nice place, full of touristy places and things to do and I'm just waiting for Lydia to post up on her blog about our trip there, then I'll link it here (coz I'm too lazy to do it myself lolz). But no worries, I'll post up something of our trip there here sooner or later coz it's definitely a memory that I wouldn't want to forget. But first things first, I was tagged, and under threats of death and eternal torture, here I am to fulfill the rules of the tag. Sigh. Italy has to wait.
Starting time: 20.37
Name: Mayc (no point giving my first name when officially no one here uses it).
Sisters: 2
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: 5-7 (my sports shoes are 5, my formal shoes and sandals 6 and my slippers 7, hence the range)
Height: 160cm approximately...
Where do you live: Currently JBC
Favourite drinks: Preferably flavoured
Favourite breakfast: Roti canai (I miss Malaysian food)
Have you ever
Been on a plane: Yes.
Swam in the ocean: Don't think wading counts right?
Fallen asleep at school: Once in uni. Heh.
Broken someone's heart: He broke mine, I broke his. Long story.
Fell off your chair: Yup.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: More like put my hp beside my pillow and went to sleep.
Saved e-mails: Yes.
What is/was
Your room like: Super messy.
Right beside you: My dead hp, Mustaq's postcard, some coins.
The last thing you ate: Sandwich.
Ever had
Chicken pox: Yes.
Sore throat: Yup.
Stitches: Yep.
Broken nose: So far no. Touch wood.
Do you
Believe in love at first sight: Nope. It takes time to develop.
Like picnics: In UK yeah. Not in M'sia.
Who was the last person
You danced with: I have two left feet (I don't dance)
Who made you smile: Lydia.
You last yelled at: Haven't raised my voice lately. Now when I'm mad, I get sarcastic.
Today did you
Talk to someone you like: Define like. If like in a friendly manner, then yeah. If like in a romantic manner, then no.
Kiss anyone: No one has stolen my first kiss yet... LOLZ.
Get sick: Feeling tired but otherwise am perfectly fine.
Talk to an ex: Not today at least.
Miss someone: Nah, with fanfic and anime to occupy my time, who can miss anybody?
Eat: DUH!
Best feeling in the world
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No.
What's under your bed: A drawer stuffed with winter clothes.
Who do you really hate: Not anyone at the moment. The closest I have is a friendship-rivalry feeling with two someones. And it's basically one sided on my part. Sigh.
What time is it now: 22.47
Is there a person who is on your mind now: Not really.
Do you have any siblings: See above.
Do you want children: Not sure.
Do you smile often: Quite often. Too bad sometimes those are phony.
Do you like your handwriting: Definitely. Have you seen it before? LOLZ.
Are your toenails painted: Nah. Not that girly.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: None. Mine rocks.
What colour shirt are you wearing now: Black.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Alighting from the plane.
Are you a friendly person: Not really.
Do you have any pets: Nope.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: More like persons. :P They're in Bleach and Naruto! LOLZ.
Did you hold hands with the person who means anything to you now: LOL. If I can get my hand through the computer screen.
Do you sleep with the TV on: Nope. Who needs a tv when you have a laptop with uber fast Internet connection?
What are you doing right now: Doing this, watching Naruto and reading fanfic. Yup, I multitask.
Have you ever crawled through a window: Can't fit. LOLZ.
Can you handle the truth: Not really.
Are you too forgiving: Definitely no. Need some progress there.
Are you closer to your mother or father: Father I think. But quite close to mom too.
Who was the last person you cried in front of: My imaginary friend.
How many people can you say you've really loved(This doesn’t count friends and family.) : One. But since he's a friend now, then zero.
Do you eat healthy: Haha. Occasionally.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: Hung his pic on my cupboard for dart practice! LOLZ. j/k. We're on friendly terms.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: Hmmm... No?
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: Family and friends.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: Quiet.
Are you confident: Sometimes.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Entered secondary school.
2. Discovered the wonderful world of Internet.
3. Discovered the wonderfulness of afternoon school (more late nights, more computer games!)
4. Had a relatively care-free life.
5. Tried to act older than I was.
5 things on my to-do list today
1. Housekeeping.
2. Sort out travel stuff.
3. Rest and relax.
4. Graduate from uni.
5. Ooh, and ponder on the meaning of life.
5 snacks I enjoy
1. Gelato.
2. Chocolate.
3. Keropok.
4. Preserved stuff.
5. Any other junk food.
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Go on a luxurious holiday (no more backpacking - YAY!)
2. Get assets such as house, car etc.
3. Help family.
4. Charity.
5. Invest and increase amount of money!
5 of my bad habits
1. Procrastination.
2. Short temper.
3. Impatience.
4. Inability to accept other's opinions.
5. Fear of asking questions coz afraid of appearing stupid.
5 places I have lived in
1. My hometown
2. Kolej Akasia, INTEC.
3. Vista C, Bukit Jalil.
4. Rottenrow East, Glasgow.
5. Other transient places which are too numerous to count.
5 jobs I've had (including part time)
1. Part time teacher.
2. Other than that, nope.
5 people I tag
1. Anyone who reads this and or feel like doing it. :P
Starting time: 20.37
Name: Mayc (no point giving my first name when officially no one here uses it).
Sisters: 2
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: 5-7 (my sports shoes are 5, my formal shoes and sandals 6 and my slippers 7, hence the range)
Height: 160cm approximately...
Where do you live: Currently JBC
Favourite drinks: Preferably flavoured
Favourite breakfast: Roti canai (I miss Malaysian food)
Have you ever
Been on a plane: Yes.
Swam in the ocean: Don't think wading counts right?
Fallen asleep at school: Once in uni. Heh.
Broken someone's heart: He broke mine, I broke his. Long story.
Fell off your chair: Yup.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: More like put my hp beside my pillow and went to sleep.
Saved e-mails: Yes.
What is/was
Your room like: Super messy.
Right beside you: My dead hp, Mustaq's postcard, some coins.
The last thing you ate: Sandwich.
Ever had
Chicken pox: Yes.
Sore throat: Yup.
Stitches: Yep.
Broken nose: So far no. Touch wood.
Do you
Believe in love at first sight: Nope. It takes time to develop.
Like picnics: In UK yeah. Not in M'sia.
Who was the last person
You danced with: I have two left feet (I don't dance)
Who made you smile: Lydia.
You last yelled at: Haven't raised my voice lately. Now when I'm mad, I get sarcastic.
Today did you
Talk to someone you like: Define like. If like in a friendly manner, then yeah. If like in a romantic manner, then no.
Kiss anyone: No one has stolen my first kiss yet... LOLZ.
Get sick: Feeling tired but otherwise am perfectly fine.
Talk to an ex: Not today at least.
Miss someone: Nah, with fanfic and anime to occupy my time, who can miss anybody?
Eat: DUH!
Best feeling in the world
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No.
What's under your bed: A drawer stuffed with winter clothes.
Who do you really hate: Not anyone at the moment. The closest I have is a friendship-rivalry feeling with two someones. And it's basically one sided on my part. Sigh.
What time is it now: 22.47
Is there a person who is on your mind now: Not really.
Do you have any siblings: See above.
Do you want children: Not sure.
Do you smile often: Quite often. Too bad sometimes those are phony.
Do you like your handwriting: Definitely. Have you seen it before? LOLZ.
Are your toenails painted: Nah. Not that girly.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: None. Mine rocks.
What colour shirt are you wearing now: Black.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Alighting from the plane.
Are you a friendly person: Not really.
Do you have any pets: Nope.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: More like persons. :P They're in Bleach and Naruto! LOLZ.
Did you hold hands with the person who means anything to you now: LOL. If I can get my hand through the computer screen.
Do you sleep with the TV on: Nope. Who needs a tv when you have a laptop with uber fast Internet connection?
What are you doing right now: Doing this, watching Naruto and reading fanfic. Yup, I multitask.
Have you ever crawled through a window: Can't fit. LOLZ.
Can you handle the truth: Not really.
Are you too forgiving: Definitely no. Need some progress there.
Are you closer to your mother or father: Father I think. But quite close to mom too.
Who was the last person you cried in front of: My imaginary friend.
How many people can you say you've really loved(This doesn’t count friends and family.) : One. But since he's a friend now, then zero.
Do you eat healthy: Haha. Occasionally.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: Hung his pic on my cupboard for dart practice! LOLZ. j/k. We're on friendly terms.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: Hmmm... No?
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: Family and friends.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: Quiet.
Are you confident: Sometimes.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Entered secondary school.
2. Discovered the wonderful world of Internet.
3. Discovered the wonderfulness of afternoon school (more late nights, more computer games!)
4. Had a relatively care-free life.
5. Tried to act older than I was.
5 things on my to-do list today
1. Housekeeping.
2. Sort out travel stuff.
3. Rest and relax.
4. Graduate from uni.
5. Ooh, and ponder on the meaning of life.
5 snacks I enjoy
1. Gelato.
2. Chocolate.
3. Keropok.
4. Preserved stuff.
5. Any other junk food.
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Go on a luxurious holiday (no more backpacking - YAY!)
2. Get assets such as house, car etc.
3. Help family.
4. Charity.
5. Invest and increase amount of money!
5 of my bad habits
1. Procrastination.
2. Short temper.
3. Impatience.
4. Inability to accept other's opinions.
5. Fear of asking questions coz afraid of appearing stupid.
5 places I have lived in
1. My hometown
2. Kolej Akasia, INTEC.
3. Vista C, Bukit Jalil.
4. Rottenrow East, Glasgow.
5. Other transient places which are too numerous to count.
5 jobs I've had (including part time)
1. Part time teacher.
2. Other than that, nope.
5 people I tag
1. Anyone who reads this and or feel like doing it. :P
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Naruto Recs
I can't just rec Bleach fics without rec-ing some Naruto fics as well right? Here are some nice (in my opinion Naruto fics that might be just worth a second rereading (hence that's why they're here - otherwise it might be just too troublesome to find them again as the fanbase for Naruto is HUGE). Note that I'm not really into yaoi or yuri... I find them kinda gross, but that's just my opinion - everyone's entitled to their own, really.
So here are my recs.
1. Genius' At Everything Except Love by Ecrire
Itachi is a genius, Sakura is a genuis They make an odd friendship at school, but trouble really starts when Sasuke arrives.
This is really the reason why I started watching Naruto. This story kinda sparked my interest - although I had to wikipedia up different characters to see who they were in the Naruto-verse and how they look like. However, no knowledge on Naruto-verse is necessary to understand this fic. Basically well-written with an interesting plot line and hot ItaSaku pairing (with subtle undertones of SakuSasu - ooh how I love the misunderstood Sasuke too). Give it a try.
2. Death And The Non-Believer by IrisEclipsed
Neji's life is getting complicated: School is becoming chaotic, Death is on his case, and he might just be falling for his best friend.
A cute NejiTen fic. It's really rather sweet and the characters are IC too - Neji being his usual stoic self, Tenten as the sweet bestfriend and supported by a credible IC cast too. Quite interesting and the romance is not too mushy or anything. I like.
3. Who Died And Made You Lolita by Quillslinger
Uchiha Shisui Stars In: Who Died and Made You Lolita? Genfic.
A view on a totally undeveloped character. It's funny, it has little!Sasuke, cool!Itachi and misunderstood! Shisui in it. A total win.
So here are my recs.
1. Genius' At Everything Except Love by Ecrire
Itachi is a genius, Sakura is a genuis They make an odd friendship at school, but trouble really starts when Sasuke arrives.
This is really the reason why I started watching Naruto. This story kinda sparked my interest - although I had to wikipedia up different characters to see who they were in the Naruto-verse and how they look like. However, no knowledge on Naruto-verse is necessary to understand this fic. Basically well-written with an interesting plot line and hot ItaSaku pairing (with subtle undertones of SakuSasu - ooh how I love the misunderstood Sasuke too). Give it a try.
2. Death And The Non-Believer by IrisEclipsed
Neji's life is getting complicated: School is becoming chaotic, Death is on his case, and he might just be falling for his best friend.
A cute NejiTen fic. It's really rather sweet and the characters are IC too - Neji being his usual stoic self, Tenten as the sweet bestfriend and supported by a credible IC cast too. Quite interesting and the romance is not too mushy or anything. I like.
3. Who Died And Made You Lolita by Quillslinger
Uchiha Shisui Stars In: Who Died and Made You Lolita? Genfic.
A view on a totally undeveloped character. It's funny, it has little!Sasuke, cool!Itachi and misunderstood! Shisui in it. A total win.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Some Bleach Recs
Since I've been shamefully neglecting my Bleach fandom for some time now (partly due to the lousy filler arc, the disappointing movie and the fact that very few of my favourite fanfics are updated currently), here are some recs to bring back the Bleach (and Ichiruki) love. Enjoy.
1. Counting Stars by Hakuren
You seriously can't expect me not to rec a fic without stars in any part of the fic right? :P Anyway, this is a very lovely angst-y fic about Ichigo on New Year's Day. The tone of reminiscence, Ichigo's utter pain, the flashbacks which are portrayed so smoothly, the really in-depth characterisation of lonely!Ichigo... This indeed sets the standard for all angst pieces. This one-shot really leaves you wanting for more coz it's so good that it actually hurts.
2. Circles by Jaina
After walking a straight line your whole life, what do you do when there's nowhere left to go?
In my opinion, Jaina is a very talented author. This piece is a future-fic taking in the possibility that Rukia is banished to the real world. The slight bitterness on Ichigo's part, Rukia's acceptance on her fate, Kurosaki family dynamics... They all mesh together well enough to give this wonderful fic.
3. If I Had Never by Maiden-Chan
Can there be love without memories? IchiRuki, AU.
Another lovely angst-y piece about Rukia losing her memories. What's with me and angst today? :P
1. Counting Stars by Hakuren
You seriously can't expect me not to rec a fic without stars in any part of the fic right? :P Anyway, this is a very lovely angst-y fic about Ichigo on New Year's Day. The tone of reminiscence, Ichigo's utter pain, the flashbacks which are portrayed so smoothly, the really in-depth characterisation of lonely!Ichigo... This indeed sets the standard for all angst pieces. This one-shot really leaves you wanting for more coz it's so good that it actually hurts.
2. Circles by Jaina
After walking a straight line your whole life, what do you do when there's nowhere left to go?
In my opinion, Jaina is a very talented author. This piece is a future-fic taking in the possibility that Rukia is banished to the real world. The slight bitterness on Ichigo's part, Rukia's acceptance on her fate, Kurosaki family dynamics... They all mesh together well enough to give this wonderful fic.
3. If I Had Never by Maiden-Chan
Can there be love without memories? IchiRuki, AU.
Another lovely angst-y piece about Rukia losing her memories. What's with me and angst today? :P
Monday, 8 September 2008
Diamond Dust Rebellion
Doesn't really live up to my expectations I'm afraid.
It's the typical shounen filler movie extragavanza... Hero with a brooding past and guilt haunting him, fighting within ranks, order for execution, realisation by main hero of the brooding hero's suffering, fighting with villains and losing, main hero to the rescue with some canny advice, gasp-the-world-as-we-know-it-is-going-to-end scene, fighting with main hero giving brooding hero a chance to avenge his past and let go, brooding hero finding peace withing himself and letting go, all is well again, end.
Seriously, what I've just detailed is a brief summary of Diamond Dust Rebellion (why the name? There's no diamond dust anywhere..), but after the ham that was Memories of Nobody, I should have known better. Guess I thought that since there's the deliciously icy Hitsugaya as one of the main characters in it that it should be better. *Shivers*. Hope Fade to Black does not suffer the same horrible fate as Diamond Dust Rebellion. It has Rukia as one of the main characters in it, but somehow I feel that the fate of being a shounen filler movie is going to befall it as well.
Man, I hate fillers. Why doesn't KT take time off to devise the plot of the movie this time?
It's the typical shounen filler movie extragavanza... Hero with a brooding past and guilt haunting him, fighting within ranks, order for execution, realisation by main hero of the brooding hero's suffering, fighting with villains and losing, main hero to the rescue with some canny advice, gasp-the-world-as-we-know-it-is-going-to-end scene, fighting with main hero giving brooding hero a chance to avenge his past and let go, brooding hero finding peace withing himself and letting go, all is well again, end.
Seriously, what I've just detailed is a brief summary of Diamond Dust Rebellion (why the name? There's no diamond dust anywhere..), but after the ham that was Memories of Nobody, I should have known better. Guess I thought that since there's the deliciously icy Hitsugaya as one of the main characters in it that it should be better. *Shivers*. Hope Fade to Black does not suffer the same horrible fate as Diamond Dust Rebellion. It has Rukia as one of the main characters in it, but somehow I feel that the fate of being a shounen filler movie is going to befall it as well.
Man, I hate fillers. Why doesn't KT take time off to devise the plot of the movie this time?
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Why I Watch Naruto
Why I watch Naruto even though I do not really like Naruto himself per se (I find him annoying)?
Haha. These are the reasons why (excuse me if I seem superficial... lol)
1. Hyuuga Neji
He's the prodigy of the Hyuuga clan, despite being of only the Branch and not the Main House - a major cause of his resentment in the earlier part of the series. Yet, despite having a cursed seal on him and no one to teach him the clan's famed fi
ghting styles, Neji learnt it all on his own only by watching, and hence becoming even more powerful than the heirs to the clan, Hyuuga Hinata and Hanabi. So much so that I feel he mirrors Uchiha Itachi in that respect. Powerful yet resentful of his own clan. However, after his defeat by Naruto and finding out that his father voluntarily sacrificed himself in order to protect the clan, Neji and reconciled with his clan and has become closer with the Main branch, even training with his Uncle. His demeanor, as mentioned before resembles that of Kuchiki Byakuya of Bleach, and his Jyuuken is definitely one of the most powerful (and graceful) tajijutsu. The fact that he's pleasing to the eye (especially in Shippuden) also helps a lot. =)
2. Uchiha Sasuke
He's the handsome, cool, brooding, angsty, only surviving member of the U
chiha clan, a prestigious noble clan with impressive ninja skills that was massacred by his older brother Itachi. He's so handsome and cool that during his academy years all girls in his year (and not of his year too, for example, Temari) were crazy over him. Sakura and Ino had also ended their friendship in order to better compete for his heart, however, the young Uchiha has shown no interest in any girl. When younger, Sasuke used to look up to and constantly felt inferior to his genius of a brother. However, after the massacre, he made it his life duty to hunt out and eliminate Itachi. Having only that as a goal, Sasuke is willing to go to any lengths to kill his brother, even to seek out the evil Orochimaru in order to gain more skills. He is at the moment one of the most powerful shinobi with his impressive set of skills including Mangekyo Sharingan, chidori, kirin, various summoning techniques and such. In a nutshell, Sasuke is the typical antihero of Naruto, who, after the death of his brother, vowed to restore the Uchiha clan to its glory and to defeat Konoha. What I'm predicting is a typical showdown between Naruto (who's going to be the Hokage) and Sasuke at the end of the series, leading to Sasuke's death (the series is called Naruto for a reason) and him repenting his past evil deeds. Not really looking forward to it though so I'm just going to try to enjoy Sasuke for as long as possible until then.
3. Uchiha Itachi
The cool older brother of Sasuke who murdered his whole clan for the good of Konoha. He is ultimately, the misunderstood hero who's willing to take the post of a villain for the good of everyone and who truly loves his younger brother. He is also the genius of the clan, graduating the academy in a year, becoming a chuunin when he was 10 and captain of the ANBU when he was 13. However, as quoted by him, being a genius does have it's downside and that's of being alone, misunderstood, used and feared. His is a story of sacrifice and ultimately tragedy. Sigh.
There you have it, the three reasons why I watch Naruto. Hehe.
And here's the first ending theme of Naruto Shippuden.. I find it kinda cute. It's called Shooting Star (Nagareboshi). The lyrics are kinda cool too.. Rather suitable for my site (except the forgot the swimming trunks and stark naked part lolz).
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite
Koko wa itsumo no kouen
Yakei ga mieru suberidai no ue
Mukashi kara boku no tokutouseki
Nayami ga areba koko ni kurun desu
Ano koro no mama yume no tochuu de
Imada kanaerarezu ni irun desu
Moshikashite koko ga mou shuuten
Nante yowane wo haite
Shimaisou na hi mo aru
Demo sono tanbi ni omoi dasu
Nagareboshi wo sagashite ano hoshizora
Chiisana koro no negaigoto wa ima
Mukashi mo kawaranai mama
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite
Yoru no kousha nakama to shinobi komi
Koe wo hisome kanaami yojinobori
Hiruma to chigau kao no guraundo wo sei ni
Mezashi ta basho wa "puuru" to iu na no umi
Mizugi nante mon wa nai kara minna suppadaka
Dareka ga kisei wo hasshite tobikonda
Yoru no tobari ni hibiku mizushibuki
Ato ni tsuzuke to bakari ni mina issei ni haite
Sora miage pukapuka ukanda
Meno mae ni aru hoshi wo nagame
Ooku no yume katari atte
Sagashita ne ano nagareboshi
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*
Miageta sora ni musou no hoshi
Ima mo mukashi mo kawaranaishi
Yume wa hateshinaku kuruoshikute
Ano hoshi no you ni sugoku mabushii
Miageta sora ni musou no hoshi
Ima mo mukashi mo kawaranaishi
Yume wa hateshinaku kuruoshikute
Ano hoshi no you ni sugoku mabushii
Hey! sonna ni utsumuite bakari icha
Mieru mono mo mienaku naru kara
Sora miagete keep your head up!!
Hey! "miageta sora ni ima, nani wo omou?"
Itsuka kirameku ano hoshi no youni ...
I wanna shine
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
I'm in my usual park
I can see the night scenery
On the slide
That's been my special seat for years
Whenever I'm worried about something, I come here
Just like then, I'm on my way to my dreams
But unable to fulfil them
"Maybe this is the end of the line"
There are days when I say weak things like that
But every time, I remember
That starry sky where I looked for a shooting star
The wish I made when I was little
Hasn't changed even now
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Hiding out in the schoolyard at night with my mates
We climbed the wire netting
The field seemed to have a different face than during the day
We headed for our sea called the pool
We didn't have swimming trunks, so we were all stark naked
Someone jumped in with a strange yell
The splash echoed through the night
"After him!" Everyone else piled in
We floated gently, looking up at the sky
Looked at the stars in front of us, and talked about heaps of dreams
And looked for that shooting star
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars
The same number now that there was years ago
My dreams are endless and crazy
Incredibly bright, like that star
Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars
The same number now that there was years ago
My dreams are endless and crazy
Incredibly bright, like that star
Hey! If you keep hanging your head like that
You won't even be able to see the things you can see
Look up at the sky, keep your head up!!
Hey! "What do you think of the sky you see?"
Someday, like that shining star...
I wanna shine
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Haha. These are the reasons why (excuse me if I seem superficial... lol)
1. Hyuuga Neji

2. Uchiha Sasuke

3. Uchiha Itachi

The cool older brother of Sasuke who murdered his whole clan for the good of Konoha. He is ultimately, the misunderstood hero who's willing to take the post of a villain for the good of everyone and who truly loves his younger brother. He is also the genius of the clan, graduating the academy in a year, becoming a chuunin when he was 10 and captain of the ANBU when he was 13. However, as quoted by him, being a genius does have it's downside and that's of being alone, misunderstood, used and feared. His is a story of sacrifice and ultimately tragedy. Sigh.
There you have it, the three reasons why I watch Naruto. Hehe.
And here's the first ending theme of Naruto Shippuden.. I find it kinda cute. It's called Shooting Star (Nagareboshi). The lyrics are kinda cool too.. Rather suitable for my site (except the forgot the swimming trunks and stark naked part lolz).
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite
Koko wa itsumo no kouen
Yakei ga mieru suberidai no ue
Mukashi kara boku no tokutouseki
Nayami ga areba koko ni kurun desu
Ano koro no mama yume no tochuu de
Imada kanaerarezu ni irun desu
Moshikashite koko ga mou shuuten
Nante yowane wo haite
Shimaisou na hi mo aru
Demo sono tanbi ni omoi dasu
Nagareboshi wo sagashite ano hoshizora
Chiisana koro no negaigoto wa ima
Mukashi mo kawaranai mama
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite
Yoru no kousha nakama to shinobi komi
Koe wo hisome kanaami yojinobori
Hiruma to chigau kao no guraundo wo sei ni
Mezashi ta basho wa "puuru" to iu na no umi
Mizugi nante mon wa nai kara minna suppadaka
Dareka ga kisei wo hasshite tobikonda
Yoru no tobari ni hibiku mizushibuki
Ato ni tsuzuke to bakari ni mina issei ni haite
Sora miage pukapuka ukanda
Meno mae ni aru hoshi wo nagame
Ooku no yume katari atte
Sagashita ne ano nagareboshi
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*
Miageta sora ni musou no hoshi
Ima mo mukashi mo kawaranaishi
Yume wa hateshinaku kuruoshikute
Ano hoshi no you ni sugoku mabushii
Miageta sora ni musou no hoshi
Ima mo mukashi mo kawaranaishi
Yume wa hateshinaku kuruoshikute
Ano hoshi no you ni sugoku mabushii
Hey! sonna ni utsumuite bakari icha
Mieru mono mo mienaku naru kara
Sora miagete keep your head up!!
Hey! "miageta sora ni ima, nani wo omou?"
Itsuka kirameku ano hoshi no youni ...
I wanna shine
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite*
Sora wo mi agereba
Hoshitachi ga hora matataiteru
Kono hoshi no hitotachi mitai ni
Samazama na hikari wo hanatte
Sono naka de boku mo
Hitoki wa kagayaiteitainda
Me wo tojite kokoro ni chikau
Nagareboshi ni yume wo takushite
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
I'm in my usual park
I can see the night scenery
On the slide
That's been my special seat for years
Whenever I'm worried about something, I come here
Just like then, I'm on my way to my dreams
But unable to fulfil them
"Maybe this is the end of the line"
There are days when I say weak things like that
But every time, I remember
That starry sky where I looked for a shooting star
The wish I made when I was little
Hasn't changed even now
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Hiding out in the schoolyard at night with my mates
We climbed the wire netting
The field seemed to have a different face than during the day
We headed for our sea called the pool
We didn't have swimming trunks, so we were all stark naked
Someone jumped in with a strange yell
The splash echoed through the night
"After him!" Everyone else piled in
We floated gently, looking up at the sky
Looked at the stars in front of us, and talked about heaps of dreams
And looked for that shooting star
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars
The same number now that there was years ago
My dreams are endless and crazy
Incredibly bright, like that star
Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars
The same number now that there was years ago
My dreams are endless and crazy
Incredibly bright, like that star
Hey! If you keep hanging your head like that
You won't even be able to see the things you can see
Look up at the sky, keep your head up!!
Hey! "What do you think of the sky you see?"
Someday, like that shining star...
I wanna shine
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Friday, 5 September 2008
Team Gai (Guy)

So.... What is Team Gai actually? They're a team of three ninjas, under the tutelage of the most hilarious jounin tutor ever - Maito Gai (supposed to mean Might Guy, if I'm not mistaken.
Team Gai consists of Konoha's Prideful Green Beast, the over-exuberant leader, Maito Guy, his equally enthusiastic and favourite pupil who hangs onto his every (ridiculous) word, Rock Lee, the weapon's mistress Tenten and the silent, brooding genius of the famed Hyuuga clan, Hyuuga Neji.
The character dynamics of this team is hilarious, yet touching at the same time, especially that of the almost father-son dynamics between Gai and Lee, both who look rather similar to each other, thanks to Lee's steadfast admiration of his mentor. Lee, being practically useless at any form of ninjutsu or genjutsu, is Gai's favourite pupil due to his steadfast belief that hard work can surpass geniuses as he resembles Gai when younger. Hence, Gai takes it to heart to train Lee completely in tajijutsu, in order to help him attain his goal of being a powerful ninja despite being labelled as a "hot-blooded loser" back in his academy days. Indeed, Gai really took this task seriously, as was portrayed when Lee was deliberating on undergoing a risky operation with only 50% chance of survival, which without it he can no longer be a ninja anymore. Gai encouraged him to take the risk and reassured him that it will go well. However, if the operation fails (i.e. Lee dies) Gai will also die with him, as Gai's purpose would then be no more. This scenes (together with the scenes when Lee was fighting against Gaara during the Chuunin exams) gave a different view to both Gai and Lee, and make them seem more "balanced" and not just forever spouting ridiculous phrases.
Hyuuga Neji, also has an interesting back story to his name. When first introduced to him, he comes across as a horrible person - cold, unfeeling, fatalistic and bubbling with resentment underneath. All these appears to be due to being a member of the side branch of the family, which prioritises the main branch, of which his less talented cousins, Hinata and Hanabi are of. Having been led to believe that all is done to protect the main branch (even his father was sacrificed to protect his uncle), it is no wonder that Neji is what he is. However, once this misunderstanding is cleared up, he seems to be a much nicer person. Neji is talented in fighting and is the top rookie of his year. He also displays much leadership qualities though he has an ability to be too stoic for his own good. But that's what we all love about him. =)
The final member of Team Gai is not very well defined. Tenten is a weapon's mistress who's ability is in long range combat. She is always seen training with Neji and agreeing with him on how ridiculous both their teammate and leader are acting. However, nothing much is known of her past, though, if reflected by her personality, it seems that she is the most normal one of them all as she is bubbly, friendly and sweet.
Team Gai is indeed my favourite team in this series, though they receive quite little screen time. To compensate for that, here are some nice Team Gai-centric fanfics:
A Portrait of Youth
Snapshots from the life of Team Gai. If you don't have friends, you don't have anything...
A wonderful collection of one-shots of Team Gai. Full of their exuberant humour, the sarcasm, and the ridiculousness of it all... Definitely a must-read for any Team Gai fan!
Twenty Truths About Team Gai
As per title.
A lovely one-shot about the hidden facts of Team Guy, of which even some of its members are unaware.
Funny Facts And Not So Silly Stories
Team Gai was created under the influence of nostalgia, malice and some level of intoxication on the part of the people present. For some reason this wasn't viewed as a problem.
Another story full of Team Gai love.
Of Naming Team 13
They've amassed quite a few names over the years. But in the end, they are Team Gai.
Another 20 truths about Team Gai.
37 Facts About Team Gai
A number of short moments in the history of Team Gai, from them meeting each other to the present. A little humour, a little angst and lots of love.
What can I say? Team Gai rocks! Go Team Gai!

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