Sunday 21 September 2008

The Beauty of Friendship... And Unity

Was browsing through a total stranger's blog when I came across this entry and was touched by it. It's a beautiful post, made even more poignant by the innocence of the two friends at that time. How I wish that we are more like that today, blurring the lines of race and religion to make a better Malaysia. But nooo... we live and abide by our stereotyping and prejudiced mind though we've learnt better to mask it. Sigh. Poor Malaysia. Somehow without unity, I think you're doomed.


Afiq Deen said...

Heiya. I'm not a total stranger, not in a sense that we both love Naruto and cool animes!

Mayc said...

Haha! That's true.. Sorry for reccing your post without prior permission btw.. Hope it's ok with you. Oh yeah, your blog is cool too.. Your witty sense of humour is killing. :)